Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Taste of Tuesday: Tortilla Roll-Ups!

Hi Loves! I cannot even believe that pre-season has started.. where has the summer gone?! Not that I'm complaining or anything - I LOVE football season! And it means that fall is right around the corner. So with football season quickly approaching, I thought I'd share one of my favorite game day appetizers! This is my aunt's specialty and is SO good and one of the easiest things to whip up!

What you'll need:
- 1/3 - 1/2 cup of salsa (depending on the consistency you like)
- 1 package of cream cheese
- 1 package of tortillas
- 1 Serrano pepper, diced (optional)

1. Combine softened cream cheese and salsa.
2. Mix well until the lumps are gone and you get the consistency you are looking for. Should be a peach color.
3. Spread mixture on torilla
4. Roll tortillas and place on a dish, rolled part down.
5. Cover with foil and refrigerate for 1-2 hours (the longer they sit the better).
6. Cut into slices and serve!  

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Hope y'all are having a great week so far!



  1. I make these for everything and they are always a huge hit! They are so good! I actually bake mine for about 10 minutes and they are a bit crispy then. Ah now I want some!

  2. I think I could eat 2 or 10. Love Mexican food, so this is right up my alley, saving this recipe.

  3. I love these tortilla roll ups!! I've made them a handful of times and they are always so good!

  4. Such a great, simple option for parties! Love it!

  5. We love these at our house! yummy!

  6. hmm those look good! Thanks for hosting again this week :)

  7. Oh my these look delicious!! This is actually something my boyfriend would eat (he's so picky), I can't wait to try them!

  8. These look so easy and tasty!! Gonna have to try them!

  9. Mmmm!!! Tasty! I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. Already almost football season!

  10. These are so tasty and easy for a party! Love it! :)

  11. Umm...hellooooo yummy football snacks!

  12. These look so good!! I've been wanting to try them!

  13. This is definitely going on my "to-make" list. Love your blog!
